What is TDSR ?
Total Debt Servicing Ratio ( TDSR ) is a debt servicing measure that Bank/Financial Institution used to determine if the potential borrower is overly geared with debts.
How to compute TDSR?
Based on the newest measure, TDSR should not be more than 60%
Monthly Total Debt Obligations
_________________________ < 60%
Gross Monthly Income
Monthly Total Debt Obligation consist of:
1) Existing Housing Loan Installment
2) Car loan Installment
3) Personal Loan Installment
4) Overdraft Loan Repayment
5) Credit card etc
Gross Monthly Income consist of:
1) Consistent Fixed salary
2) Bonus /commission (30% haircut)
3) Rental Income (30% haircut)
Tenancy period must be still left with at least 6 month from application date
Mr Tan , age 39 with a declared income 2013
Employment: $100k
Commission: $60k
Rental : $40k (more than 6 month validity)
Gross yearly income will be compute as:
$100k + ($60k X 70%) + ($40k X 70%)
= $100k + $42k + $28k
= $170k
Gross monthly income will be compute as:
$170k / 12 = $14,166
Based on the TDSR, Mr Tan commitment should not exceed
$14,166 X 60% = $8,499.60
Car Loan $2,500/mth
Personal Loan $890/mth
Mr Tan will only be left with $5,109.60
Stress Test
Newly Purchase Monthly Installment will be computed based on a standard rate of 3.5% (Introduce by MAS) for residential property to access customer debt repayment ability
Although Mr Tan might be paying only $4,000+per month , across the banking industry, Bank will use $5,106.36 to calculate on Mr Tan's debt repayment ability.
Assuming that Mr Tan do not have any other commitment, the maximum loan that he is able to obtain based on 80% loan will be $1.02mil*, 25 years loan tenor.
*Do take note that there are some bank which take into consideration of credit card minimum payment as a commitment. The above example is compute purely based on his car and personal loan.
If you have any question unsolved, you can either get me via my Mobile at 9 1 7 6 7 9 7 0 or email me at den@housingmatters.com.sg or even drop a comment below :
Den Ng
Housing Matters
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